Systems and Operations Department
Document Management System (DMS)
The main advantages of the Electronic Document Management System;
- - • In an office environment, average of 7.5 % of the documents gets lost, and 3 % of the documents cannot be accessed due to wrong filing (1). Since the documents and forms are stored electronically through DMS, easy and rapid access is available when necessary, and no risk of getting lost since the documents and forms are not deleted on the system.
- • Based on the research conducted by Gartner; procedures regarding documents take up 40%-60% of employees’ shifts, 20%-45% of labour cost, and 12%-15% of endorsement (2). Since roaming and approval process of the documents and forms within the University occur electronically, getting approvals, distribution, and delivery save time and labour.
- • According to the research, an office employee spends 50 % of the time on searching and finding documents, and 5%-15% on reading that document (1). OCR engine supported in Turkish is available on DMS. The system is able to do indexing based on the texts in the system which allows easy access to the document being searched for among thousands of pages.
- • In Turkey, the amount of paper consumed per person is 0.7 kg/day, in other words, average of 140 pages. The amount of paper consumed in finance centres and banks per person is 0.9 kg/day that is 180 pages (3). The incoming and outgoing documents and forms are carried out electronically at the University. This prevents paper and toner consumption. At the same time, since electronic copies of documents and forms can be obtained, copying in paper format and duplicating is no longer necessary.
- • The Document Management System we use works in accordance with the “Regulation on the Principles and Procedures to be Applied in Official Correspondence”, issued by the Council of Ministers with the decision number 2004/8125. In this way, users, who do not know the official correspondence rules, can create articles in a suitable way thanks to our system, and the standard of correspondence between all units is maintained. This situation eliminates the negative consequences for corporate identity.
- • Thanks to DMS web based infrastructure, access to the system via pc, laptop, tablet, and mobile devices on and off campus is available 24/7. In this way, approval and follow up of the important documents and forms within the University can be provided regardless of location, and continuity of work can be maintained.
- • Problems such as loss, worn out, and inaccessible documents do not occur with DYS.
In conclusion, the Document Management System brings about numerous advantages for the University. We are proud to be one of the first universities to provide DMS; thus, being a reference to the other universities.
Document Management System Success Story
To access the success story about Document Management System, please Click Here.