İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi

  • Systems and Operations Department

    Computer and Game Design LAB. (ML 104)

    Computer and Game Design LAB.
    (ML 104)
    Laboratory Supervisor: M. Çağkan Uludağlı
    Laboratory Technician:Mertcan DEMİROĞLU
    Laboratory Location: Tesla Ground Floor ML104
    Laboratory Capacity: 7+1
    HP ElitDesk 800 G3 Gaming PC (7 pcs)
    i7 / 32 GB RAM / 256 GB SSD
    HP ELITEONE 800 G3 AIO (1 pcs)
    Intel i5 6500 / 8 GB RAM / 256 M2 SSD
    Oculus Rift (x2)
    HTC Vive (x2)
    XBOX One Kinect Sensörü
    Logitech Webcam (x4)
    GP3 Eye Tracker
    Logitech Gamepad (x4)
    WACOM tablet (x2)
    60'' LG TV and sound system
    Notepad++, Office programs, NetBeans IDE, IntelliJ IDEA Community, Eclipse, Visual Studio, CodeBlocks, RStudio, R, XAMPP Control Panel, Wampserver, Arduino, mBlock, Android Studio, Unity, GAMS, Matlab, AutoCAD, Knime Analytics, Arena, Python , JetBrains PyCharm, Simio, IBM SPSS Statistics 21, CPLEX Studio, SAP Logon, Wireshark, Dev C++, Minitab, MySQL Workbench
    It is a modern game design laboratory in which 7 highly developed and all kinds of computer games will be designed and tested.