İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi

  • Systems and Operations Department

    PC Lab. (ML 105)

    PC Lab.
    (ML 105)

    Laboratory Technician:Mertcan DEMİROĞLU
    Laboratory Location: Tesla Ground Floor ML105
    Laboratory Capacity: 40+1
    HP ProOne 600 G3 (40 pcs)
    i5 / 8 GB RAM / 256 GB SSD
    HP ELITEONE 800 G3 AIO (1 pcs)
    Intel i5 6500 / 8 GB RAM / 256 M2 SSD
    Notepad++, Office programs, NetBeans IDE, IntelliJ IDEA Community, Eclipse, Visual Studio, CodeBlocks, RStudio, R, XAMPP Control Panel, Wampserver, Arduino, mBlock, Android Studio, Unity, GAMS, Matlab, AutoCAD, Knime Analytics, Arena, Python , JetBrains PyCharm, Simio, IBM SPSS Statistics 21, CPLEX Studio, SAP Logon, Wireshark, Dev C++, Minitab, MySQL Workbench
    It is the laboratory where general computer courses will be held, consisting of 40 state-of-the-art computers.